Dream book - interpret your dreams

Dream book

interpret your dreams

Good Morning! Rich Bulgarian dream book with comprehensive interpretations of dreams. Share and discuss your dreams.

KABBALAH - kabalistični characters if you're dreaming, you will become a victim of a clever skâroen plan. If y...
KADENE - If you dream that the Kadi in the Church – will receive profit and happiness; If the Kadi in the Hou...
KADENE, CENSER - in sleep are a sign that you have happiness. ...
KAD″NA - dreaming, is a sign that hide the truth from you. If you're going to stretch the kad″na some unplea...
KAISER - If you dream of Kaiser — see SALAMI....
KAKA - If you dream your home Kaka – will miss you the presence of your good friend....
KALA - If you see or you give in your sleep, so unfulfilled love, broken betrothal or divorce. ...
KALEIDOSCOPE - in the dream, foretells a period of diversity, abundance of events and meetings, rapidly changing c...
KALIMAVKA - If you're dreaming, you will become a victim of intrigue. ...
KALINA - to see in your dreams, is a sign that you will receive unexpected assistance or support from the sh...
KALKAN - If you suddenly find yourself in front of the Turbo will building facing unsolvable problem ...
KALORIFER (SEE OVEN) - in a dream is a sign that we're afraid of competition from strong opponent, they will scare or dist...
KAMA - If you're dreaming this dream is your dagger — associated with violence, foretells quarrels and jeal...
KAMA (SEE KNIFE) - in a dream is a sign of a skirmish with competitors or adversaries. If they hurt with the dagger, y...
KAMBA - If you see or eat, you're filling cans of sleepwalking, is a sign that you will be ashamed and in f...
KANGAROO - dreaming, that means taking difficult negotiations with a disagreeable person. If a kangaroo wearin...
KANT - If you dream of Immanuel Kant — see. LAMPAZ....
KARATE (SEE EASTERN MARTIAL ARTS). - If you dream that you do need your karate symbolizes target the energy and effort in a way that wil...
KASHMIR - If you dream of Kashmir — this gorgeous scarf does not predict the wealth. Defend their interests, b...
KAVAL - If you see in your dreams, you will repel some love. If you hear someone playing the flute, you hea...
KAVARMA - If you cook or eat in their sleep, will move into the victim or in the service of the nearby or the...
KAVATINA - to hear or to fulfill in a dream, is a sign that appeals you most...
KAY - If you're dreaming Kay — signs that will explore ventures, which in most cases are crowned with succ...
KAY (SEE PORT). - If ″nuvaš an empty port, so you have more trap. If you see in your dream means that you haven't y...
KAZAČOK - If you dream that you or another dance kazačok — you can indulge wholly on agriculture....
KAZAK - If you see in your dreams, so it's going to take reckless attacks without worth the risk. If you ar...
KEBAPCHE - If you dream that you will fry the ćevapčići – occur severe disease; If you eat it – will enjoy heal...
KEEPER - If you're dreaming or chat with keeper – new friendship; If you are – you are in danger....
KEISHA - If you're watching or running over in my sleep, out with an unpleasant, dangerous, or labor-intensi...
KENAR - If you see the kenar in your dream, you're going to get hurt by the cool and calculating woman....
KENNEL - for animals in a dream is a sign of success in the job as a result of zadružie and collective effor...
KENNEL - If the dream Shack — that's a sign of the good life, provided that you are wise enough to be content...
KEREMIDARNICA - If you're dreaming, you work or build keremidarnica-will build a new House....
KERNEL - If you eat nuts in your sleep, out going to accomplish a rare success, will break the record or wil...
KEROSENE - the smell of kerosene in the dream was a sign that soon will dedicate a new passion after prolonged...
KERR (SEE BOX). - ...
KETCHUP - If you prepare or eat in your dream, you will meet an intriguing personality of the opposite sex, b...
KEY - If you dream about a key — a female fidelity; If it's lost — will you happen to experience annoying ...
KEY, LOCK, LOCKS, KEY CHAIN - or key if you lose, you'll fight with your intimate partner. If you find the key, you will find the...
KEYBOARD HOTKEY - in the dream, promise that you will soon have pleasant tidings or visiting a good friend. ...
KEYS - If you dream that you play on them – will be invited to a dinner at a selected society....
KICK - If you dream that someone will receive alley – profit; If you kick the – means the exact opposite....
KICK, KICK - someone in your dream, you will fight a competitor or enemy. You if they will be kicked out of favo...
KID - If you see or pet in your dreams, foretells that you will soon make friends with an influential per...
KIDDING, KIDDING (SEE FUN) - you dream, you won't have a serious job. If another tease, beware of fraud or abuse. ...
KIDNAPPING - If you're a victim of kidnapping in his sleep, he got into the wrong crowd, try to let go of your s...
KIDNAPPING, ABDUCTION - in the dream, foretelling trouble and loss. If you're a kidnapper, beware of the intrusions and int...
KIDNEY - in a dream is a sign of complications in a specific area. If you eat kidneys, you will have to riva...
KIDNEYS - If you dream that your kidneys hurt — predicts the sorrow and misfortune; If you hear that talk abou...
KILL, MURDER, ASSASSIN, KILLING - I mean someone in a dream, we will be unfair, i'il slipper zamogneš on devious way. If you kill the...
KILLER - If you dream about a killer — you'll enjoy what people respect; If you – happens to you hard work....
KIM, CUMIN - in the dream, are warning against any attempts of deception, subterfuge or the slack in your work. ...
KIMONO - If you see in your sleep, so your new friends or partners will expect from you more loyalty, discip...
KINDERGARTEN/NURSERY - If you give your child the dream nursery/creche, vain zavoûvanite risk positions, you will waste yo...
KING - If you're dreaming or chatting with King — will live a great honor; If you are – execution of your p...
KING - If you dream of a King — will increase in superior rank, well-being; If you talk to him — so honor a...
KING, QUEEN, KINGDOM, COURTIER - do you dream about the real King, so your ambitions are unfounded and unenforceable. If it is a fai...
KING, QUEEN, UK - in the dream, you promise a strong defender, a certain friend or a generous patron. If you dream yo...
KINK - in the sleep issue serious and fateful disturbance in your relationship with loved ones or colleagu...
KINOAPARAT - If you dream that you are working with kinoaparat — you will get success in your work; If it is brok...
KISS - If you dream about kissing someone so careful with his insincere — friends, if you kiss – you'll get...
KISS (TO EAT) - If you're dreaming or eat a kiss — will find a new friend, a girlfriend; If you prepare them — happi...
KISS, KISS - If in your dreams you see other to kiss, you heart of sadness. If you kiss a stranger, you will get...
KIT - If you see in your dreams, you got big and unfounded anxieties. If you click on it, then a major fo...
KITCHEN - If you're dreaming, you ask for help or advice from their parents. If you're in the kitchen, your f...
KITCHENWARE - If you wash in your sleep, you will assign the "dirty work", will make foreign errors. I swear my d...
KITE - be careful, you're going to suffer on his own fault because he overestimated their abilities. If ...
KITEL (SEE JACKET). - If you dream of breaking a man's robe (tunic) that will take up any fault or liability. If someone ...
KITENIK - If you see in your dreams, you will get an extraordinary charge If dreaming or sit on kitenik – ma...
KIWI - If you see or eat in your dreams, you will have mixed, cheerfully...
KIWI (BIRD) - If you're dreaming, beware of intrigue, malicious rumors, empty promises and chatty friends. ...
KLAK′OR - If you are dreaming, you insult your boss, you will experience the defilement Manager or višestoâŝ....
KLEPTO - If you see in your dreams, be...
KLETVOPREST″PNIČESTVO - If you dream that you are kletvoprest″pničestvo — predicts the big mishap....
KNEADING TROUGH - in the dream indicates that you have all the chances to get rich or to get a better life, but don't...
KNEADING, MIXING - any bread or dough in your dreams, you will get rich, you will earn a fortune. Else if Messi dough,...
KNEE (SEE: KNEE). - ...
KNIFE - If you're dreaming or find a knife-don't trust anyone; If you buy it — financial problems; If you to...
KNIFE, STABBER, SCABBARD (SEE SHEATH) - knife if you see in your sleep, you have a feud. If they give you a knife, will they cause. If you ...
KNIGHT - that, if you're dreaming, you will commit to activities or ideas that will alienate you from friend...
KNITTING - If you dream that you knit – will once again have quarrels about words; If knitting a sweater – you ...
KNITTING - If you dream of knitting – for you small pleasures will be a holiday....
KNITTING NEEDLE (SEE NEEDLE). - If you dream your life needle-pricked; If it is broken — threatened the loss of your workplace. The ...
KNITWEAR - knitted dress in dream is a warning that your current professional or financial situation is not pa...
KNOCKOUT - knocking someone sleepwalking, will achieve substantial progress in its work, would eliminate the e...
KNOWLEDGE - If you have or gain in your sleep, you will achieve great intangible successes out. ...
KNOWLEDGE (SEE STUDY) - If you move in your sleep or digest the knowledge, so we strive to win the trust and respect of lov...
KNOWN - If you're dreaming or chatting with a friend – you will get a letter; If you fight with him — for yo...
KOCH - in a dream is strong sexual symbol ...
KOK - If sleepwalking carry their hair high bun, will they consider to be snooty and unapproachable, and ...
KOPNENIE, YEARNING - in sleep are a sign that you're looking for my happiness away, and it is up to you. ...
KORIFEI - in the dream means that you will not respect your opinion, and will be ridiculed at work or your ac...
KOS - If you see in your dream, you're going to move up in society. If you hear his song, you are pleasan...
KROSNO - If you're dreaming or roll up, wait a long time. ...
KUKER - If you appeared in a dream, so they got a lot of work. If you're a mummer, will enjoy health. ...
KURBAN - If you do or eat in their sleep, they will honor and mention of good out. ...
KYUCHEK - If you dance in your dream, you have heartache, sadness, illness and care. Else if belly dancing, w...
K″OSE (SEE BEARD). - ...