Dream book - interpret your dreams

NEEDLE, PIN CUSHION if you dream :: Dream Book

NEEDLE, PIN CUSHION - If sleepwalking Act needle, will fight with someone. If you buy a needle, you're going to win the enemy. If you SEW with a needle, you're going to have a rival in love. If you find a needle in a dream, you are going to love, and if you give it to someone, you're going to lose the affection of a loved one. To get the needle in your dreams, is a sign that the friend will they grieve. If knit with needles, you'll put up with insults about his love. If you dream of going to a Pincushion confront relatives. If iglenik″t without needles, so too will please others and influence of public opinion.

"NEEDLE, PIN CUSHION"- Dreams, Comments and Interpretations

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