Dream book - interpret your dreams

CUPBOARD if you dream :: Dream Book

CUPBOARD - If you do, you buy it or you move in your sleep, you will meet difficulties in their work or communicate with disputatious as well, huh, sluggish and nedobronamereni people. If emptying the cupboard of its content, we will make decisive changes in the personal and business life. If you stick various things in the cupboard, then running away from responsibility and postpone the solution of important problems. Antique cupboard in the dream, is a warning that there are factors which are not known.
If dreaming or buy a cupboard — will get the family happiness; if is empty — will feel in difficulty; if is full – loss; if is very small – long life; if it's too big — success in trade; if it is new – news; if it is old – you are pretty naive.

"CUPBOARD"- Dreams, Comments and Interpretations

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